You need excess demand to increase at accelerating levels each year, and not just in one region. 你需要的是过剩需求每年加速增长,而且不只是在一个地区发生这种情况。
Is it not now clear that the main macroeconomic challenges facing the world today are an excess demand for commodities and an excess supply of financial services? 难道现在还看不出,当今世界面临的主要宏观经济挑战是对大宗商品的过度需求和金融服务的过度供给吗?
But economists say the underlying driver of inflation is the excess demand created by the huge flow of funds into China through the trade surplus and other avenues, as well as the velocity at which money circulates in the economy. 但经济学家表示,推动通胀上扬的根本因素,是通过贸易盈余和其它途径涌入中国的巨额资金所创造的过度需求,以及货币在经济领域的流通速度过快。
As they do, the excess demand they provide to the rest of the world must decline. 当这些国家减债的时候,它们提供给其他国家的过剩需求必然下降。
Excess demand, inflation, excessive credit and the need for monetary tightening should be the least of our policy concerns. 需求过剩、通胀、过度信贷以及货币紧缩的需求应是我们的政策关注中最少考虑的问题。
Theory of excess demand of inflation 需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论
All those investment bankers drive up property prices in London, for sure, but again you need more than excess demand in one region to produce a nationwide 10-year boom. 那些投资银行家推动了伦敦房价的上涨,这一点毫无疑问,但要产生长达10年的全国性(房地产)繁荣,你需要的就不只是一个地区的需求过剩了。
But that would surely mean a danger of inflationary excess demand in surplus countries and deficient demand in deficit ones. 但这将必然意味着以下危险的出现:即盈余国家出现导致通胀的过度需求,以及赤字国家的需求不足。
One more reason nod to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the1970s, it has not occurred against the backgroundg of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand. 另外一个不应因油价上涨而失眠的原因是,这次不像70年代的那些次上涨,它并不是在普遍的商品价格暴涨和全球需求过旺的背景之下发生的。
In response to this excess demand for safety and liquidity, the banking system began exploiting its ability to engineer risk-free assets from risky assets to keep pace with the safe asset shortage. 为了应对市场对安全性和流动性的过度需求,银行业体系开始利用自身的能力,将风险资产设计改造成安全资产,以解决安全资产匮乏的问题。
Commodity constraints will limit the real output response globally, and most of the excess demand will spill over into higher inflation. 大宗商品的约束将限制全球范围内的实际产量反应,而大部分过度需求将发展成为更高的通胀率。
What about excess demand? 是需求过剩的关系吗?
And, because of this excess demand for yen, it would seem to follow that the price of yen is going to go up, which is another way of saying that Americans will get fewer yen per dollar and the value of the dollar will fall. 而且,似乎也可以这样认为,由于美国人对日元的更多需求,日元的价格会上升,也就是说,美国人用一美元兑换的日元将减少,美元的价值将下跌。
Low lending rates contribute to an excess demand for loans and thus the high share of investment in GDP. 较低的贷款利率造成了过量的贷款需求,从而导致投资在gdp中的比例过高。
Excess demand for credit is common. 贷款的超额需求是普遍存在的。
China's future market: regulation choices under excess supply and excess demand 中国期货市场:过度供给和过度需求下的监管选择
Fourth, it is hard to believe that the soaring savings in Asia and the oil exporters are passive responses to excess demand from outside, rather than deliberate choices. 第四,很难相信,亚洲和石油输出国储蓄的飙升是对外界过剩需求的被动反应,而非刻意的选择。
Excess demand in relation to inventory 与存货相关的过度需求
'The prices for2008 reflect the continuing excess demand in the global iron ore market,'Vale said in a statement confirming the price agreements. 淡水河谷在一份声明中证实了价格的上涨,并表示2008年的价格反映出全球铁矿石市场上供不应求的局面仍在继续。
There is excess demand for a firm's products. 对某公司产品有过度需求。
Owing to the artificially low level of interest rates on bank loans, there has been an excess demand for bank loans in china. 因为银行贷款人为的低利率水平,在中国存在对银行贷款的过度需求。
But what is the financial excess demand, exactly? 但是到底什么是过度的金融需求?
But the global financial crisis set off a contraction in debt and of excess demand in overconsuming countries. 但全球金融危机引起了过度消费国债务和超额需求的缩减。
The flip side of their plans to do so their excess demand for safe and liquid financial assets was a shortage of demand for currently produced goods and services. 这些失去理智的行为来自对于安全和流动性的金融资产过分的需求,导致了当时极低生产商品和服务的意愿。
That should generate a credit expansion, excess demand, a rise in the domestic price level and an appreciation in the real exchange rate. 这应会造成信贷扩张、需求过度、国内价格水平提高及实际汇率上升。
With anticipation of rising house prices, wealthy households purchased several houses, creating excess demand for houses. 随着房价的预期上涨,富裕家庭购买了好几套房子,从而导致房子需求过剩。
But concerns about overheating in the usual sense of excess demand are exaggerated. 但是对于一般来说是需求过大而经济过热的忧虑是耸人听闻了。
Speculation and purchase of stocks by leverage, causing excess demand for stocks and bubble of stock prices. 投机者和股票购买者受杠杆影响,股票市场供过于求,导致股票市场经济泡沫。
The traditional financial services industry is facing excess demand of the market, just as the bank's products and services provider, passive wait-site customers. 传统的金融服务业面临的是需求过剩的市场,银行只是作为产品和服务的提供者,消极等待客户上门。